Why give?
A vital part of belonging to a church is to help pay the bills. The bible tells us to give generously according to our means, standing shoulder to shoulder with the whole church. Our members’ giving finances church services, children’s and youth activities, work with the homeless and indebted, plus buildings and administration.
We pledge 10% of our regular income to overseas aid/mission and another 1% to UK mission. A Parish Share is paid to Lincoln Diocese to offset their contribution to our clergy costs. Fees from weddings and funerals only cover part of the cost, and baptisms are free.
Freewill offerings, in addition to regular giving, are sometimes made in the event of a disaster somewhere in the world, a missionary endeavour, or a major building repair, etc.
A full financial report, audited accounts and annual budget are published each year and made available at the Annual Church Meeting. The elected PCC scrutinises and authorises expenditure throughout the year.
Visitors to the church are under no obligation to give.

How to give?
The way that’s most tax-efficient and helpful for our budgeting is to set up a Standing Order with your bank. Our bank details are:
- Sort code: 40-52-40
- Account: 00031950, St Georges PCC Stamford.
- Reference: “General” for church running costs, “CAP” for Stamford Christians Against Poverty debt centre, “Fresh Hope” for people needing help with life’s essentials.
If you are a UK taxpayer, please email us your full name, address, and permission to claim Gift Aid, declaring that you pay sufficient UK tax to cover the extra 25% we then get from HMRC.
The best way to give a one off donation is by BACS transfer. Alternatively, you can use a credit or debit card online as below. If you are a UK taxpayer, please tick the Gift Aid declaration so we can claim an extra 25%. A 3% processing fee is deducted from online donations.
For confidential information or advice about financial giving to St George’s please contact our Assistant Church Treasurer Diane Faux, in confidence, via the Church Office.